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会所内的锦绣苑宴会厅面积约300平米; 层高4.5米, 可容纳22-25桌中式婚宴 或200人自助餐,有独立舞台、投影设备及全备的音响卡拉OK系统,可以与国际厅相连,增加3-4桌。 整个厅面向东钱湖以白色水晶吊灯为主要装饰。

When the Splendid hall function as a banquet hall, it can accommodate about 22-25 Chinese traditional tables or 200 people buffet.  The area is about 300㎡ and the ceiling height is about 4.5 meters high.  It is equipped with a stage, an audio system, projector and karaoke system. It can be connected to the International hall add 3-4 tables. The whole hall faces Dongqian lake with white crystal chandelier as the main decoration.